Tim Doner

Tim Doner is certainly an extraordinary talent, isn't he? 

I like the point he makes about language being a vehicle for culture. He makes this point in his discussion of some everyday Persian expressions in his TED Talk where he discusses the expression of thanks "Ghorbanet beram" which literally means "May I sacrifice my life for you" or "I'll die for you." The strength of these words shows that good deeds for another are valued particularly highly in Iranian culture. An insight I will miss out on if I don't learn Persian. As Doner concludes "You can translate words easily, but you can't quite translate meaning." 

Regarding ways to learn languages, I think Doner is on target in suggesting watching movies is a good way to achieve this goal. In the clip uploaded by THNKR, he says movies are useful for language learning because they expose you to the normal rate of speech and examples of colloquial words and phrases, and it is fun watching them. I also like his idea of associating words with places, for instance thinking of a particular place & identifying verbs of one's target language with various zones in that place, so he associates some outdoor steps with "suwaru" because you can sit on them and a bookshop there with "yomu" because you can read there.

Finally, he reminds me that it is important to use one's target language in communication, whether with folks online or in our neighbourhood, wherever users of this language can be found. And if our experience is similar to his, we'll find them happy to chat and happy to help us in our language learning journey.


  1. I love the point that he said “ language begin a vehicle for culture” too. Different languages are various types of culture. For example: I had learnt many valuable things while I had studied Chinese such as tea traditional tea making culture. It bring me into another world.

  2. I can understand how you feel about the tea ceremony, Hong. It certainly is a different world isn't it? I remember that the tea ceremony was the culture - without the language! I think Tim Doner is correct in thinking that language is a vehicle for culture. We talked briefly about this today - remember that the dictionary has a very correct way of putting boundaries around words, but it is culture that expands that boundary.


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