The Best Way to Learn an Additional Language in My Experience

What do you think the best way to learn an additional language is?

There are many way or techniques that help us to improve foreign languages. Personally, the best way to study an additional language is more listening, more talking, more reading, more writing. Listening helps me to advance my speaking fluently, and reading can develop the writing professionally. 

Copying and developing are the easy and affective techniques. It likes babies try to say their own first language from their parents. It is not understanding the word from translation, but they have got the meaning from the emotion that they are expressed by. Therefore, copy the word and try to use them without translation is the best way to success. 

Furthermore, as we known learning an additional language is the long way of achievement. So patience, practice, and persistence are the skills you must have to be. For instance, I have spent time for seven years to lean Chinese. Meanwhile I has not one day to stop leaning and thinking in Chinese.

Using it in our life generally. After we has received any now knowledges or picked up the new vocabularies. You would try to progress them in normal days. It will be strengthen memories deeply.  


  1. You make a number of interesting points. It is indeed often said that the more you read, the better you'll be able to write and the more you listen, the better you'll be able to speak. And, in fact, there are a number of studies which show that regular reading of material at an appropriate linguistic level aids language acquisition.
    You are also right on how babies acquire words. They understand them in the context of communication. So, yes, it makes sense to get out there and chat with others in our target language so that we''ll able to understand and acquire the words they address to us.
    David :-)


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