The 3MT Competition -- The Humanities Heat

Here is my take on the 3MT Competition.

The presentation I found most interesting was Gray Baldwin’s talk on Creation Care: A New Direction for ‘Oikoumene.’ There are several reasons why. First, the talk addressed the mission of the church and as I am a Christian who seeks to be involved in that mission it was immediately relevant to me. Secondly, the fact that Baldwin highlighted the etymological connection between ecumenism and ecology, in that they both come from ‘oikoumene’ – the inhabited earth, attracted my attention. Care & respect for the world that God created and loves is a worthwhile cause around which the church should unite.

The presenter who was the best communicator was, I believe, Cassandra Joseph. She did very well in starting with a question to which many in the audience responded to in the affirmative. In this way she built rapport with her audience. She also owned the stage, moving around it at ease, and she spoke to the audience in a warm and conversational manner. Finally, her slide was edgy and provocative, proving to be a memorable aspect of her presentation.

Finally, I think, Romulo Jr Nieva’s talk on How Prison Disrupts Motherhood: The Stories of Pregnant Prisoners gave me insight into the positive impact that graduate study can have. In interviewing and publicising the plight of pregnant prisoners, Nieva may well be able to bring about positive change for them. The thesis can, when seen in this light, prick the conscience of a people.


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